Your place in our statistics
We introduce to you the Slovak municipalities in a new form. Selected statistical indicators for your municipality were enriched with a visual dimension. Through a simple, easily readable and attractive form we would like to present you some interesting figures from selected statistical domains available at the lowest territorial level.
Statistical indicators are shown in graphs. Besides the choice of a territorial parameter that allows the selection of any Slovak municipality, it is possible to monitor their development over the last 20 years.
The source data is stored in a single database DATAcube., with a link located under the name of each graph.
The graph legends are interactive, able to hide and uncover individual available data series.
The graphs can be printed or downloaded by clicking the button at the top right corner of each graph.
Permanently living population on 31. December
Tablepopulation growth development (persons)
TableNet migration
Difference between the number of imigrants and emigrants.
Live births and deaths (persons)
TableMarriages and divorces
TableAge structure of population as at Dec. 31, (persons in age group)
TableRegistered job applicants as at Dec. 31 (persons)
TableEconomic activity of the population as at Dec. 31 (%)
TableEconomic dependency ratio (%)
TableEconomic dependency ratio
Ratio of the number of persons of pre-productive and post-productive age to the number of persons of the productive age. Usually expressed in percentage.
Ageing index (%)
TableAgeing index
Ratio of the number of persons of post-productive age to the number of persons of pre-productive age.